Rental period options

BOC has a rental charge for all cylinders. Unless you otherwise request, all your cylinders will default to annual rental.

There are four rental period options:

  • Monthly - charged for the previous month. If you pay monthly rental charges and increase your holdings, you will be charged a full month rental for the extra cylinders at the end of the month in which you obtained them.

  • Quarterly - payable in advance

  • Annual - charged once a year in advance. If you pay annual rental, and increase your holdings, you will be charged for the new cylinders from the purchase date until the renewal date of the existing cylinder. For example, if your renewal date is 1st January, and you add an extra cylinder in the previous June, you will be charged 7 months rental on the additional cylinder. On 1st January you will be charged 12 months rental for all cylinders. If your holdings decrease, you will receive a credit note for the number of months left on your rental.

  • 3 or 5 yearly - available for small cylinders only and suitable for customers with stable holdings - No pro-rata credit is available should the cylinders be returned before the renewal date.

The renewal date is always the first of the month in which you first obtained the cylinder.