What is ENTONOX used for?

ENTONOX is a ready-to-use gas mixture consisting of 50% nitrous oxide and 50% oxygen; it is used exclusively for short term pain relief in a wide range of settings. It has the advantage of very rapid onset and offset analgesic action.

ENTONOX is widely used in obstetrics during childbirth, for emergency care in the ambulance service and for minor painful procedures in hospitals and clinics including:

  • acute trauma

  • suturing

  • wound dressings

  • colonoscopies


(1) Dunning DG, McFarland K, Safarik M. Nitrous-oxide use. II. Risks, compliance, and exposure levels among Nebraska dentists and dental assistants. Gen Dent. 1997 Jan-Feb;45(1):82-6.

(2) Hoerauf K, Funk W, Harth M, et. Al. Occupational exposure to nitrous oxide and desflurane during earnose-throat-surgery. Can J Anesth. 2000 47:10:pp 984–988.

(3) Fin BR et al. Tetratogenic Activity of Nitrous Oxide, Nature Vol 214 Apr 8 1967.